Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cheers to the Commander in Chief

Mark Will-Weber has just published "Mint Juleps with Teddy Roosevelt: The Complete History of Presidential Drinking". This not-so-typical history book details American presidents' most interesting interactions with alcohol. Apparently Andrew Johnson showed up drunk to the vice presidential inauguration and gave a slurred and lengthy speech while Lincoln just about died of embarrassment. Thomas Jefferson was a wine aficionado and had to sell part of his personal library to pay for providing libations to the many guests he entertained. After being verbally harassed, Teddy Roosevelt knocked out a rancher in a saloon bar fight before calmly returning to his seat. Eisenhower made his own gin in a bathtub at Fort Meade... during prohibition. If you are interested in seeing a more human, less moral, and more inebriated side to the 44 presidents, you might want to go and check out this book!

Oh, and as a bonus, The Washington Post has a list of all our presidents' favorite drinks.

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