Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fighting Balrogs and Bullying

 Stonewall is a gay rights advocacy group and their Education for All campaign "helps tackle homophobia and homophobic bullying in schools." Recent research for Stonewall has found that 55% of lesbian, gay, and bisexual pupils have experienced direct bullying in Britain's schools. 86% of teachers surveyed in secondary schools have witnessed homophobic bullying against students, 36% of teachers reported that they had heard homophobic language used by other staff members, and only 17% said that they have received any guidance in how to deal with homophobic bullying among students.

The ever awesome Sir Ian McKellen has been touring schools in the U.K. on behalf of Stonewall, of which he is co-founder. He recently visited Chew Valley School to congratulate them on their Equalities Team and their work against bullying.  The school reported:
"In a series of mesmerizing addresses and question and answer sessions he talked movingly about his own personal history in the context of changing attitudes and legislation in relation to gay rights. Whilst celebrating the undoubted progress he has witnessed in his own life-time he urged Chew Valley students to continue to be a beacon for civilized attitudes and behavior."
McKellen also provided an important warning to students of what would happen if they did not do their school work. Listen to the man!

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